Saklar USB untuk kamera kembar

USB switch for twin camera (SDM installed) – [English text in blue font]

Sebelumnya saya membuat saklar USB dengan menggunakan daya dari tiga baterai AA. (lihat artikelnya di sini). Untuk kepraktisan waktu pemotretan maka selanjutnya saya membuat yang lebih kecil dengan  baterai kecil atau baterai kancing. Umumnya baterai kancing mempunyai tegangan 3 Volt.

Previously, I made USB switch from 3 x AA batteries (here is the article). For convenient, I decide to make smaller USB-switch with coin battery. Mostly, coin battery has voltage 3 volt.

Untuk mendapatkan tegangan 5 Volt (sesuai standar USB) maka tegangan dari dua baterai kancing (6 Volt) diturunkan oleh dioda zener. Berikut rangkaiannya.

5 volt is needed in USB standard. Therefore, 6 volt of 2 coin batteries is regulated by zener diode. Here is the circuit schematic.

switch schematic
click the picture to see the bigger view

Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai perhitungan dan rangkaian sederhana dari dioda zener ada di electronic tutorial. atau di wiki (simple shut regulator).

Further information about simple zener circuit at electronic tutorial or wiki (simple shut regulator).

switch box

twin camera and USB switch
USB switch in action – with twin Canon SX260HS

Terima kasih jika ada saran dan koreksi. Suggestion and feedback are welcome.


4 respons untuk ‘Saklar USB untuk kamera kembar

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  1. Very well done. I made one like this and it lasted for several years since the cameras are only sensing volatage and not using it. It also seemed to work best when I release the button quickly. Perhaps SDM has gotten much better since then.

  2. Thanks for your comment and compliment.
    Yup, I never replace the batteries too. 🙂
    However, SDM still needs a second long push on the button (after the first quick push), doesn’t it?

  3. Boleh tau casingnya bisa beli dimana ?, atau mungkin ada yang jual sudah jadi / langsung pakai ?, mohon info, terima kasih.

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